Power of Attorney

There are two types of Powers of Attorney: one for property only (financial) and one for personal care.
In a Continuing Power of Attorney for Property, you are giving someone you trust the authority to act on your behalf to do anything for you with regard to any of your property or finances, except make a will.
This is usually done only in the event of your incapacity, but can also be executed for a specified period of time, for example, when you are out of the country.
Power of Attorney for Personal Care is executed by you in the event of your incapacity. You are authorizing someone you trust to make medical decisions for you when you are unable to speak for yourself. These documents are very important, because your family does not have the power to make decisions on your behalf without them.
Please take note that a Public Trustee from the Government may have to get involved if you have not appointed someone yourself.
For more information download:
Powers of Attorney & “Living Wills” – Some Questions and Answers
(PDF, 460K) Provided by the Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee
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